Vehicle Patrol Security Services
A security vehicle patrol officer is a specific type of security guard who provides security services in a particular location. Generally, an officer in a security vehicle patrols an outdoor property rather than guarding a specific building like other security guards.
As a security vehicle patrol officers, our guards responsibilities are set by customer requirements, mainly it is to patrol and monitor a given location, such as a job or construction site, and report any suspicious activity to the police or law enforcement. Vehicle patrol officer duties are also to prevent any damage from occurring at the property.
Vehicle patrol officers may need to collaborate with the fire department or medical services if an accident or crime happens on location that requires additional help.
Service Advantage
Vehicle patrol security guards protect your facility by mitigating several risks including assaults, thefts, and vandalism. They can detect the suspicious activity and take necessary action before it can be turned into a big problem. The presence of armed guards at your workplace will alert the criminals not to target your facility as well.
Apart from that, vehicle patrol security guards can help the law enforcement agencies to solve any case of a crime that occurs at your business premises with the help of their cars and reference to video surveillance systems.

Hotel Security Guard Services
Hotel security protects hotel guests, employees, and property. Hotel security typically works directly on the hotel property, patrolling the grounds, and in an office, monitoring security cameras or filling out paperwork. This is a full-time or part-time entry-level position that requires strategic thinking and a discerning eye. Hotel security may follow a chain of command, but they are sometimes only one among two or three guards who report directly to hotel management. If the situation calls for it, hotel security may also work with the local police department.
Hotel security works discretely and can think clearly under pressure to handle disturbances and identify threats quickly.
Hotel security is responsible for reporting all suspicious activity to their supervisors or hotel management. Usually, hotel security should report current events in real time through their radio and document events that have already been resolved.
Hotels that have conference centers or are near conference centers often hold concurrent conferences or conventions. During these times, the hotel experiences a high volume of guests. Hotel security is often expected to maintain order among the different groups of guests.
Hotel security must be on call anytime during their shift to investigate disturbances reported by hotel staff and guests. This can include things like excess noise coming from a guest’s room or reports of suspicious people prowling the parking lot.
Service Advantage
The bulk of hotel security’s day is filled with patrolling hotel grounds, parking lots, lobbies, restaurants, and hallways. They provide a sense of security to both hotel staff and guests simply by being present. Depending on hotel resources and size, some hotel security may be assigned to a surveillance room, where they monitor the hotel via security cameras.
Hotel security is also responsible for escorting guests and hotel staff to and from the hotel. If valet parking is unavailable late at night, hotel security may escort guests and staff in order to protect them. Additionally, hotel security may need to escort belligerent guests off hotel property, especially in hotels that have bars.
#1 Parking Security Guard Services
Parking lot security officers mainly patrol assigned area, such as public parking lot or city streets, to issue notices to overtime parking violators and illegally parked vehicles.
Security officers play a critical role in preventing and identifying potential threats in parking lots. Their very presence can cause criminals to think twice before breaking into cars, vandalizing them or committing other crimes. Security guards can also work with local law enforcement officers to help apprehend suspects after a crime has been committed in a parking lot.
Service Advantage
Security officers ensure the rules governing the parking lot are followed, and report any suspicious activities when necessary to the local authorities. They also monitor and respond to any alarms. If the parking lot has an access gate, security officers may grant and deny access to vehicles. Depending on their training and licenses, they may detain criminals and write reports detailing criminal acts. Depending on the size of the parking lot, some security officers might have a vehicle to patrol the grounds.

24-Hour Signage
We use signs to insure that the message is being passed on to the any trespasser that unwanted trespassers will be identified and prosecuted to the full extent of the law, thus serving as a deterrent.

24-Hour Technology
The best and latest technology to ensure the Officers presence in addition to assuring the clients peace of mind by providing accurate time reporting and billing.

Professional Guards
Foot patrol, walkway patrol, carport patrol, patrol cars and security trailers, alarmed response, crime and 911 emergency reporting, on-site guards, 24 hour dispatch, and many more...
Request A Quote
Services are offered on a trial basis so you do not have to sign a long term contract. Ready 24h Security offers the most competitive rates in Southern California. Dispatch Center and Management Team access is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Highly trained officers licensed for CPR, first aid, pepper spray, baton and firearms permits who also have the power to arrest. Marked patrol car and foot patrol services are available for total security coverage. Cellular phone and radio service is provided to our officers for instant connection to supervision and clients. Give us a chance to prove ourselves to you with a no-risk free trial offer. We will make you happy you did!
Serving clients across Lancaster, Palmdale, Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Anaheim, Irvine, and all over California.